Kragujevac, 18. October 2019. year
An important agreement was signed by the City Transport Agency (GAS) and the Hungarian National Toll Collection Service (NUSZ). According to the memorandum of understanding, negotiations are beginning on the implementation of intelligent traffic systems in Kragujevac, one of the most dynamic cities in Serbia.
The collaboration includes the control of vehicles entering the city, the deployment of smart parking solutions, intelligent traffic safety and passenger information systems related to public transportation.
The memorandum was signed by Dusan Obradovic, director of GAS and Tamas Bartal, executive director of the Hungarian National Toll Collection Service.
The National Toll Service is a state-owned company active in the transport innovation sector, responsible for the operation of the Hungarian electronic toll collection system. Through its subsidiaries, NUSZ has extensive international activity and provides its partners with modern digital urban transport services (eg e-tickets, payment for parking by mobile phones, digital travel tickets). The company has annual revenues of more than $ 1 billion.
The City Transport Agency operates a public passenger transport system in Kragujevac with more than 16 million passengers on an annual basis, generating revenue of $ 7.5 million. GAS is a modern transportation company that has already achieved significant achievements in e-card payment through the e-KG system (trading of electronic maps and digital information based on GPS).
In addition to signing the agreement, NUSZ has opened new outlets at 10 MOL Serbia gas stations, one of which is located in Kragujevac, a significant industrial city of Serbia.
Director of the City Transport Agency Dusan Obradovic said: “Every day, Kragujevac is progressing in all segments of public passenger transport and we have come from a city of quality and modernity from one of the cities to having partners all over the Balkans today and to recognize us as one of the leaders in this important communal activity. Today we have acquired for sure the most serious partner who belongs to the world top of the area he leads. We are ready to apply the latest technologies in collaboration with our city’s sincere friends. ”
Tamas Bartal, Executive Director of the Hungarian National Toll Service, said at the signing of the memorandum: “It is very important for us that today we have signed a memorandum of understanding with the City Transport Agency in Kragujevac. NSUZ can assist the City Transport Agency and the City of Kragujevac with its experience in the implementation of the “SMART CITY” project, and in the coming period we will test all possibilities of mutual cooperation in the field of transport and transportation of people and goods. “.